How to Handle the Season of Sickness with Grace

Today is sick day #6 at our house. For the past six days, we have battled runny noses, coughs, fevers and interrupted sleep. For the moment, it appears that the sick bug has spared me as I take care of my family – I pray that it stays that way!

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In my last blog post, I discussed the reality of having to make some tough decisions when our kiddos get sick. As a stay-at-home-work-from-home-mom of four little ones, sickness infects not only our physical bodies but every aspect of our lives. For the past week, we had to put our lives on hold so that we can rest, recuperate and let the sick bug run through our family of six. And in case you were wondering – we kept the kids home from school for a few days.

There are few things in this world, outside of physical death, that bring us to our knees faster than sickness.

As I watched a fever ravage my eight-month-old’s body, it is evident that our physical health is a precious gift that must be appreciated, because it is easily crushed by a microscopic sick bug. If you are a Mama out there struggling with sickness, whether chronic or acute, know that I see you! As you wipe your baby’s runny nose for the 1000 time or hold your child’s hand as they rest in a hospital bed under observation, know that you are not alone. There are Mamas walking with you on their own parallel course of adversity and trials.

If you are in need of encouragement, I highly recommend that you listen to the Risen Motherhood Podcast Episode #47, Facing the Cold & Flu Season With Grace. This was recommended to me by a dear family member following my previous blog post and speaks to my current reality.

Here are my take-aways that I hope bring you encouragement during seasons of sickness.

  • There is a purpose for our sickness, even if I don’t understand the purpose right now.
  • I can love my neighbor by keeping my sick kids at home.
  • I can show grace to myself, my family members and to other Mamas for the decisions we make regarding our sick kiddos.
  • I must trust God with our kids! He loves them and He is in control of all things!
  • I need to check my heart attitude and evaluate what really upsets me the most – the sickness or the inconvenience of sickness.

Let me leave you with this last piece of encouragement. This comes from the book Risen Motherhood, written by the founders of the Risen Motherhood podcast (emphasis mine):

“Mom, God has not left you to battle the dragon alone. Trust in the promises of God. Believe you are united with Christ. Exchange your worries, fears, and anger with the worship of our good and loving Father who sent his Son to battle on your behalf. Remember that nothing is meaningless in the Christian life. God uses wayward circumstance to reveal the waywardness of our hearts. Each day, as you feel the pressure mounting, the accusations accumulating, the temptations luring, look to Christ to be all you need. He is strong where you are weak. He is perfect where you fail. He is your fullness when you are empty. He slays the dragon when you need a hero”.

This quote is from the book Risen Motherhood, (p. 51), authors Emily Jensen & Laura Wifler, founders of the Risen Motherhood Podcast.

I hope that this passage brings you strength amidst your current war on sickness. Please know that you are not alone and that God is good! To learn more about Risen Motherhood or listen to the podcast mentioned above, please visit

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